Update 1.5 (25/02/2020) - New tools, improved spawning system and more

This update contains two new tools, the "whistle" and the "trampouline", an updated and improved spawning system and some small fixes:

A couple of months after the release of this small game for the Weekly Jam, I wanted to update it so it becomes a more enjoyable experience for anyone who wants to revisit it.

The game is a lot faster now, but also fairer; use the new tool, the trampouline, to your advantage!

This update will not be the last, as the team still wants to add leaderboards and a difficulty selection, which should come in the near future. For now, this update contains the following:


  • Fat Cat: The fat cat was already present in the game but there was nothing different about him. Now, whenever a fat cat is falling, you will know because of the loud noise of tree branches breaking and the many twigs that come falling down with him. Be careful, because he falls much faster than the others!
  • The Whistle: Press 1 to use this tool: With it, you will cause an additional cat to fall, separated from the default spawnrate. With this tool, you can increase both your final score and the overall difficulty!
  • The trampouline: Press 2 to put the trampouline down and 2 again when  near to pick it up. The trampouline is self-explanatory: Wherever you put it, cats and hearts will bounce back up, giving you more time to catch them. Be careful though, because these cats don't usually fall in the same spot twice!

Bug Fixes/Improvements:

  • Improved spawning system. Now, the first minute is less tedious and the last minute isn't absolute hell. The difficult curve is less steep, but still challenging.
  • Fixed a bug where the game would end after the first time playing the game;
  • Fixed a bug where the countdown would end around 8 seconds earlier than it should;
  • Improved general UI;

Thank you!


Meownuts 1.5 22 MB
Feb 26, 2020

Get Five Meownuts

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